Friday, January 11, 2013

First blog post... ever!!

Hmm... why am I starting a blog? It's not because I think the world has a shortage when it comes to these things. And no, it's not because I think I'm a master of prose or can write whimsically at will (that will become painfully clear very soon). Nope, the purpose of this is just to have an avenue to spout off on topics related to the world of running, triathlon, and maybe some other random thoughts without the threat of people defriending me on Facebook, my only other internet outlet. So, without further adieu, let's begin!

Review of 2012 and goals in 2013

Well, I know it's past the start of the New Year, but this seems the logical place to start. All in all, 2012 was a year in which I attempted to regain my health and fitness, jump-started by a weight loss challenge at my workplace. That precipitated into me losing 20+ pounds and making me healthier overall, to the satisfaction of my physician and my family. Thank you to my friends at work for providing the initial motivation to explore weight-loss options and ultimately running.

2012 was the first time I started running consistently since the freshman fall cross-country season in high school. This will date me, but that period of my life was well over 20+ years ago. BTW, I was probably one of the worst runners on that team! I was so bad that I never did join the team subsequently.

I also raced in my first road and trail races that included 5k, 8k, and 10k distances as well as my first half-marathon (13.1 miles). Lastly, I also participated in my first triathlon (200m swim, 7 mile, 5k run) which was a great experience as well.

Running also sparked new friendships and made existing friendships stronger. Here's a shout out to my running club, the Mountain House Runners Club ( and my other support group, the Endurance Sports Connection ( I've gleaned a lot of encouragement and advice from the great people from these groups.

Most importantly, my biggest supporter is now my training partner as well! Yup, miracles do happen when my wife went from loathing any physical exercise to becoming a runner. She went from starting on a Couch to 5k program to running multiple 5k races and that 's not all! She now has her sights set for her first half-marathon later this month! She is truly AWESOME and an INSPIRATION!!

Well, with 2012 now behind me, what do I have planned for 2013?

My primary goals are to run my first two full marathons, the Big Sur International Marathon in April and my hometown Chicago Marathon in October. I really enjoyed my triathlon last year, so I'm hoping to race in 1 or 2 triathlons this year. Who knows, maybe I'll try to up the ante and try out a triathlon in a longer distance.

I have to say, I'm really looking forward to the Big Sur International Marathon! It will be special, not only because it will be my first one, but because I'm running with Team For Life ( in support of Lazarex Cancer Foundation (  Their mission is to provide resources for cancer patients who’ve been told they have no other options, but who are not yet done with their journey in life and refuse to give up now. They provide financial assistance to defray the costs associated with patient participation in FDA clinical trials. Additionally, they help patients navigate their clinical trial options and provide community education and outreach services. It's truly an honor to support this charity. If you'd like to partner with me and like to donate to this cause, please visit my fundraising page at:

Well, here's to a great 2013 and hoping that others will also set and achieve their health and athletic aspirations this year!

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